To Start Up managerial skills involves providing employees with qualified human resources and the tools to: decide, delegate, direct by building real improvement plans for their resources.




Common-action: action that puts things together.

We like to divide this world into two macro sections:
- The sensitivity with which we perceive others
- The warmth with which you communicate concepts, situations, feelings.


The seminars deal with the paths of evolution in marketing communication as it becomes culturally and / or cross-culturally customized. The aforementioned changes in the social and cultural composition lead marketing and international marketing to converge on a new and challenging discipline: cross-cultural marketing, "a strategic process aimed at consumers whose culture differs from that of marketers" and which covers, amongst others, variables such as language, religion, social norms, values, education and lifestyle that need to be observed.


The evolution of the international marketing scenario:

Culture, definitions:

• The manifestations of culture
• The theory of Hofstede and his 4 declinations

Valuing cultural differences in marketing

How marketing changes (from mono to cross-cultural)

Cultural influences on the marketing mix

Communication as a lever of cross-cultural marketing

Culturally customized communication (theory and examples)

Cross-culturally customized communication (theory and examples)

Managerial implications in the company (relations with international colleagues)

Several practical examples of interpersonal communication will be studied, with particular reference to the cultures of the US, South America, China, Korea, Japan, the "Old continent" Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa


Manage resources
Create a real working team
Operationalize an effective communication system
The ability to:
are essential skills for building a competitive in-house edge

Technology and funding are often available to many while Human Resources are NOT!

And those who are trained, aligned and motivated make the difference (right from the start)
Today, the winner is whoever has the right person in the right place!


The reason why you take action: what sets things moving.

Today whoever moves, wins!
To adapt to the continuous changes imposed by the market it is more important than ever to rely on motivated, proactive resources that are able to find stimuli in their working reality.
Knowing the theoretical and operational difference between "Act and React".

The area of motivation is acquiring more and more importance within the educational sector.
Start Up srl has been working exclusively since 1992 with Prof. Basil De Luca (Western Pacific University - San Francisco - USA) who uses theoretical concepts and metaphorical actions in his courses that are intended to leave participants with a strong motivational message.
It is precisely because of their innovative and engaging nature that these modules represent the most up-to-date and effective forms of training available today.



Courses can be designed according to customers’ specific needs, to create:

Team Building

These courses of action lead to a high level of involvement and enable participants to acquire the determination to work together towards a common goal.


These courses allow the following objectives to be pursued:

• Learn how to work with others to achieve a common goal

• Become aware of our more positive qualities such as determination and courage

• Develop our ability to focus on our problems and solve them using our own resources

• Discover and strengthen our positive values 

The course includes participation on both a physical and psychic level and often involves the use of metaphors of everyday life and provides the means to overcome the difficulties that may lie ahead.

Because of its innovative nature, these modules are well suited to the creation and strengthening of team work, groups of people who have to work together, share responsibility for the project and tasks that must be integrated with synergy to increase cohesion.

After a suitable theoretical presentation based on lectures, group exercises and personal reflections, each course includes a practical part where, again assisted by the team trainer, participants will "put  what they have learnt into practice.


The problem solving course adopts the "change management" method which involves after a first brief theoretical basis has been provided, on focusing on sequential patterns with which problems in the company can be taken charge of and addressed.

In managerial situations the following may occur:

• Unknown stimulus
Problem Solving: a methodological process based on criteria of managerial consistency, always bearing in mind the advantages and disadvantages of any decision.


The process of problem solving

Problem to be pinpointed and defined
Search for facts and data on the pinpointed problem
Obtain an understanding of the causes
Set up possible improvements
Run a pilot test of the solution provided
Examine the test results
Systematize the process defined
Study further improvements over the course of time

All the above while learning to recognize complex situations that require management intervention, splitting them into manageable pieces, establishing the order of priorities of the different actions and then the ability to combine the appropriate analysis process.